Lunar Nakșatras, Rāgas, & Sky Patterns
Stay connected to the astrological themes that unfold each month
Allison has been offering Follow the Moon since 2019, plugging you into the ongoing lunar patterns unfolding each day as the sun rises and falls.
How will Follow the Moon benefit your life?:
- Develop familiarity with the waxing and waning of the moon, and how that could have an effect on your day to day life.
- Learn more about the meanings of the nakshatras (constellations) and the songs that accompany each star.
- Learn some vocabulary for different patterns that astrologers talk about; retrograde, combust, eclipses, kal sarpa, etc.
- Stay connected and up to date on the current astrological patterns so you know when to lay low and when to push forward.
- Learn about other elements of the pancanga along the way
Follow the Moon Includes:
- Daily update on the position of the moon
- A daily rāga song based on the lunar nakshatra each day
- 1st Sunday live class about the upcoming Full and New Moon + video archive - 1 hr
- 1st Sunday live rāga listening class + video archive - 1 hr
- Astrological reference materials on Houses, Planets, Constellations, and Nakshatras
What's the daily WhatsApp thread?
Once you opt-in to the the WhatsApp thread by emailing Allison at [email protected] or texting her directly on WhatsApp, you'll receive a daily text message relaying the position of the moon, some practical advice, and a raga, or song, associated with the position of the moon by way of nakshatra.
The message and music sent is chosen based on the astrology of the day, and can be utilized to inspire a daily meditation practice.
- March: Lunar Eclipse 3/13-14, Solar Eclipse 3/29 (61:53)
- March: Nāda Nakșatra Upāsana (29:53)
- February: Full Moon 2/12, New Moon 2/27 (55:16)
- February: Nāda Nakșatra Upāsana (43:56)
- February: a brief lesson on Jyotișa (52:59)
- January: Full Moon 1/13, New Moon 1/29 (52:13)
- January: Nāda Nakșatra Upāsana (64:00)
More about Allison HERE.