Voice of the Heart:

Learn a Rāga as a Mantra

Nāda Nakșatra Upāsana with Allison Dennis

Enrollment opens November 2024

Who is Voice of the Heart: Sing Your Song for?

  • You want to learn to sing the rāga (scale) connected to your natal birthstar - (more on this below)
  • You want to explore breath and singing as a mindfulness practice
  • You need guidance around composing devotional music
  • You'd like to learn an ancestral song or stotram - potentially in your scale
  • All levels are welcome; singers and people who simply love to sing 

What singing can do for your wellbeing:

  • increased focus and attention
  • mood regulation
  • decreased effects of anxiety and depression
  • increased levels of serotonin, dopamine, and GABA in the brain
  • stimulates the vagus nerve and activates the parasympathetic nervous system functions of rest and digest
  • social cohesion and strengthening of community
  • aid in our ability to overcome emotional challenges

Singing is an easy and accessible way to uplift our mood and give voice to our emotional life. In your private sessions you will learn the rāga (a scale) connected to your birth star. Sessions will focus on sound practices with your birth chart as a guidepost.

Working with a rāga as a mantra of pure vibration can be a powerful tool for calming the mind and easing worry, doubt, and frustration. This is an ancient upaya, or remedy, from the world of Jyotish or Vedic Astrology that Allison has revitalized through her research with her music guru K. Sridhar since 2015. Based on your birth chart and the position of your moon, Allison will choose a song for you to learn and work with building a devotional attitude with that sound. You will learn vocal exercises, how to work with sound and cakras, and your breath capacity will increase as you practice sustaining and sliding notes.

  • Lifetime Access to Recordings
  • Includes access to "Nakshatra Deities" Course

Allison Dennis

More here.