Authentic Self Expression

for Spiritual Practitioners

Step into a more meaningful, confident, and honest expression of your whole self. Allison will lead you towards your robust inner compass, which always knows the way, by guiding you to refine your daily practices of self-awareness and creative expression. The aim is to clear the pathway from your heart to your voice so that you feel a greater sense of ease when communicating and sharing your truth. Using your Vedic Astrology chart in conjunction with Allison's 20+ years experience with Vedic wisdoms we will customize a 10-week transformation experience just for you. This container includes group and individual work, in addition to one-on-one time with Allison that enables engagement with your individual needs and process.

Who is the course for?

  • You're ready to identify what's blocking you from expressing your truth
  • You're in the midst of a significant transformation or transition
  • You're a spiritual practitioner looking to hone your practices, focus, and mindset
  • You’re being called to access untapped courage so you can share your gifts
  • You feel a need for clarity, guidance, or a better understanding of your core values

Allison Dennis

More about Allison Here